The February 2024 Home Hill News is now available on the website.
Category: Home Hill News
Newsletter 96 December 2023
The December 2023 Home Hill News is now available on the website.
Newsletter 95 November 2023
The November 2023 Home Hill News is now available on the website.
Cash Must be Preserved
Some day, some bureaucrat in some office will declare that you and I have too much and that the Government needs to control it.
Cash could be restricted as a means of control.
Cash is your money, your freedom, not created by a bank in a bank loan.
On any given day electronic banking could crash due to power failure for a length of unknown time, no cash, now what?
Australian Coins
BOB Katter—love him or hate him—does come up with some goodies from time to time, the latest being Australian coins and having a foreign monarch stamped on our coin currency.
Well, he’s right.
The world is picking on Australia
SEE the cartoon above.
This is not a joke but please have a look and make up your own mind.
Should the numbers be wrong, they would certainly be close to the mark.
Great Home Hill Cleanup
I MENTIONED in my last article about the latest Home Hill tourist attraction, the very filthy Council footpaths in Eighth Avenue.
I am happy to see that the cleaning of this footpath was done so quickly — there is hope for Home Hill.
Congratulations to Council and the work force, who actually did the job — and I don’t say this lightly —Thanks!
What makes the Burdekin Tick?
DO YOU want to hear what makes Home Hill and the Burdekin tick?
Come and listen to some great speakers at the Home Hill Chamber of Commerce get-togethers held once a month on the third Wednesday at 5.30pm at the Home Hill Community Sports Club.
The Chamber hosts a variety of speakers referencing the Burdekin in general and up-to-date Council news as told by councillors.
Burdekin Shire is ageing fast
I HAVE been told that in the last census, the Burdekin Shire is said to be ageing twice as fast as the rest of Queensland.
Now I don’t know if this is good or bad, or is it just a wonderful place to live.
Lights to illuminate the tree canopy in Lloyd Mann Gardens
YOU might have seen white marking out pegs throughout Lloyd Mann Gardens.
The Council is installing lights to illuminate the tree canopy.
This is a great upgrade to the park, making a great visual impact to our town.
I also believe Council is going to place new naming signs in the park and also in Memorial Park; while a new shelter is also planned for the skate park/basketball court as well.