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Council Rates include extra Aquatic Facilities Levy

WELL, another budget down and my first impression is, it looks okay, as long as you do not delve into it too deeply, as everything has gone up and user pays.

This is only the tip of the iceberg and unless you read the Council rate report, you will not know the extent of the many increases. 

It seems that every time we watch the news at the moment, we hear about interest bank charges going up, inflation rising and, of course, the threat of a looming recession, including the price of fresh food, as well as soaring energy, it means ratepayers and the general consumer — which we all are — are nervous. 

So, let’s talk only about the introduced $30 aquatic facilities. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against a water park as such, but how about user pays?

This levy is uncalled for when so many other works in this shire are more pressing — just to mention white lines on country roads throughout the shire. 

Have you ever noticed there are no park benches in any of the parks throughout the Shire? 

Yes, we have tables and benches, but how about just a few benches with a back rest? – and I don’t think we will need a special levy to achieve this. 

Council works update as of July 21—North side, five jobs; South side, nil jobs; Giru, three jobs. 

Council upcoming work—North side, five, South side, nil jobs 

These are my views only. To contact me, please phone (mobile) 0439 822 064 www.uliliessmann.com.au