Welcome to the June 2023 edition of the Home Hill News.
You can read or download the whole newsletter (in pdf format) using the link above or read the individual articles below.
Major Grants for Local Clubs
SEVERAL Home Hill-based sporting clubs have been successful in gaining grants totalling over half a million dollars through their own hard work and ingenuity towards their financial and developmental futures! Find out more here!
Fire fails to stop Inkerman Crush
THE 2023 sugar crushing season in Home Hill has been planned to commence on Wednesday, June 7 at Wilmar Sugar’s Inkerman Mill, with an estimated crop of 1.8 million tonnes, which is on par with the previous year’s tonnage.
Dispersal Program targets Town Bats
FLYING fox issues in Home Hill have been the centre of attention for the Burdekin Shire Council for two weeks in May, with the assistance of Biodiversity Australia, as dispersal activities took place from Tuesday, May 16 in varying areas of the town, including Kidby Gully.
Ticket Time for Rags to Runway
THE Burdekin Artisan Community Association Inc. is urging prospective attendees at its unique Rags to Runway event to get their tickets early to ensure their place at the Memorial Hall on the postponed date of June 17, 2023.
Chamber gives away Cowboys Memorabilia
THE Home Hill Chamber of Commerce has provided the opportunity for young supporters of the North Queensland Cowboys to build up their supply of promotional items, after they handed out gear that the North Queensland Cowboys had donated to the Chamber.
Golf Event to honour Young Businesswoman
THE annual “Kali’s Cup”, is to take place on Sunday, June 11 at the Ayr Golf Club, with the aim of bringing the community together and raising awareness of melanoma and funds for skin cancer research.
Welcome to St Colman’s Open Day
AN Open Day will be held at St Colman’s School on Tuesday, June 6 with a special theme – a celebration of farming in our area. The free activities will take place from 9am to 10.30am and all ages are welcome!
Huge Support for Sweet Days, Hot Nights
SWEET Days and Hot Nights hit Home Hill with a vengeance as the Festival that takes the population back to the days of hand cane cutting drew strong support from both local residents and visitors alike for the Friday night activities and the unique entertainment Saturday.
Kindred Spirits Concert Preparations
MUSIC Lovers throughout the Burdekin will be able to enjoy the dulcet tones of the members of the vocal group, Kindred Spirits, who are rehearsing for their forthcoming concert on Saturday, June 10.
Family revives Cup Memories
WHILE thousands of racing and fashion fans flocked to the Home Hill Racetrack on Saturday, May 20, for the the Burdekin Cup, this year’s patrons were given the opportunity to link with a former Home Hill Cup winner from 80 years ago!
Burdekin Clubs supported with More Grants
FOUR Home Hill-based organisations were amongst a total of 12 Burdekin clubs who have been presented with grants under Pacific Blue’s Haughton Sustainable Communities Fund.
Gumlu School Promotion
THE pupils, staff and parents of the Gumlu State School held a promotion on Wednesday, May 31 to highlight the future professions that pupils may follow through their education at the school.
Racing and Fashions to the Fore
THE Burdekin Race Club has reached new heights at the twenty-fifth anniversary of Burdekin Grower Race Days with racegoers streaming through the gates to create a crowd that Club President, Ricky Gudge described as “being close to a record, if it didn’t achieve a record number”.
Time for Ephemera Entries
PROSPECTVE entrants in the annual Canefields Ephemera for 2023, held in conjunction with the Home Hill Harvest Festival celebrations, have been reminded that entry forms must be submitted by June 30, 2023!
Gun Cane Cutter all the way from Bundaberg
BELIEVE me, we live in a great town that produces such a great festival such as Sweet Days and Hot Nights seeing a great influx of travellers and tourists to the betterment of all.
New Grants for the Town showing Promising Future
A significant change occurred in recent weeks with the bonus announcements of grants being awarded to local clubs and organisations to upgrade their facilities for the benefit of their members.
Tennis Grant approved
THE Home Hill Tennis Association were advised of their success in the State Government’s Minor Infrastructure Program, with the allocation of $250,000 towards a $350,000 project to upgrade their toilet facilities.
65 Years of Married Life
CONGRATULATIONS have been extended to Joe and Joan Rigano, of Home Hill, on their Sixty-Fifth wedding anniversary!
Dale’s Parliament Update
ON April 18, 2023, I had the opportunity to speak in Parliament about the need for the Burdekin to have access to a CT scanner at the Ayr Hospital.
Dale says – Home Hill ANZAC Day 2023
I WAS honoured to attend the Home Hill ANZAC Day ceremony on April 25, 2023 at the Cenotaph in the Home Hill Park.
Home Hill in the Spotlight
The ABC crew are here to film the Sweet Days, Hot Nights Festival first fire of the season, for the ABC weekly documentary, Back Roads, giving first class exposure to the rest of Australia!
Harvest Festival Flag Display – Bigger and Better
REMEMBER last year’s Harvest Festival flag display—it was a huge success in Lloyd Mann Gardens. Let’s do it again!
Double grants Success for Community Sports Club
THE Home Hill Community Sporting Club has also been successful from the same program with an application for a grant to upgrade their bowling green.
Retirement ahead for Popular Doctor
THE high regard that retiring Home Hill doctor, Narelle Martin has been held in the Home Hill community was evident as many of her patients from the 42 years she has served, came together for a farewell function at the Home Hill Hospital on Monday, May 15.
Check out our Website!
CHECK out the Chamber’s website to keep up to date with what’s happening in Home Hill from past, present and future!
Help wanted
AMONG the many jobs that are available in the Burdekin is one very important position that involves the safety of the children in the town as they head to school each day—a school crossing supervisor or better known as a “Lollipop Lady” (or man).
Fun Facts of Home Hill!
IF you are a new resident of Home Hill, here are some historical facts that you should or would like to know about the town you now call home!
Let’s work Together!
WE, the members of the Chamber, try to look after the needs of Home Hill, in other words, a friendly reminder to the top end.
What Would You Rather?
WHAT is the lesser of two evils?— removing the bats in the trees around Home Hill or putting up with them because the noise of the firing of guns and pyrotechnics scares many pets witless?
A Visitor’s Opinions on Our Magnificent Mt Inkerman
A REGULAR Visitor to Home Hill has expressed disappointment about the lack of promotion of and access to the walking track up Mount Inkerman after having difficulty trying to undertake the exercise she wanted to do after having used the track on previous visits.
Newsletter 90 June 2023
The June 2023 Home Hill News is now available on the website.