Welcome to the February 2023 edition of the Home Hill News.
You can read or download the whole newsletter (in pdf format) using the link above or read the individual articles below.
Newsletter 86 February 2023
The February 2023 Home Hill News is now available on the website.
Sport leads Home Hill’s Aussie Day Awards
LEADERS of two of Home Hill’s major sporting organisations have taken the local honours amongst the many awards handed out to citizens of the Burdekin Shire in the annual Australia Day awards announced at the presentation ceremony held at the Burdekin Theatre on Thursday, January 26.
Free Kids Bash to remember Justin Roy
THE children of the Burdekin are once again being given the opportunity to remember the life of the late Justin Roy Scott, when another ‘Justin Roy Kids Bash’ takes place at the Home Hill Race Course, on Saturday, February 11. Gates open at 12 pm. All are welcome!
Home Hill News – Past and Present
Although February 2023 would have marked 100 years of the original newspaper of Home Hill – The Home Hill Observer, we can continue to keep up to date with our town through recent addition of The Home Hill News.
Exceptional Efforts by the Community’s Christmas Spirit!
RESIDENTS of the Home Hill community have again excelled with their displays of Christmas cheer throughout December, with judges of the Chamber of Commerce Residential Christmas Decoration awards handed a difficult task in finding winners of the trophies on offer. We encourage all to participate this year!
Wet Conditions prevent Complete End to Harvest
CRUSHING of the 2022 Burdekin district sugar cane crop ended officially in the week ending January 7, 2023, with the four Wilmar Burdekin mills crushing just over 123,000 tonnes of cane for that week, after heavy rain on the previous Thursday and Friday brought an end to the 2022 season.
Home Hill lights up for Christmas
THE residents of Home Hill once again lit up their homes and surrounding gardens for Christmas 2022, as decorations in all shapes, sizes and colours were brought out to add the atmosphere to the town’s festive period.
February Meeting to commence 2023 Racing Year
RACING returns to the Home Hill track on Saturday, February 18 as the Burdekin Race Club plans a five-event program of events to start off its year of racing on a track that is benefitting from an upgrade last year and the recent rain that fell over the district.
Wet Season has hit with a Vengeance
WHILE La Nina has helped to provide welcome rainfall (to some anyway) over the past year, the wet season has hit with a vengeance since the start of the new year, providing high totals in rain gauges around the district.
Craft Spectacular back with Strong Support after Break
THE Burdekin Craft Spectacular has returned in spectacular fashion after a two-year Covid-enforced break, with strong crowd support for the more than 40 stalls that were set up in the Burdekin Memorial Hall on Saturday, December 3.
Enter NOW for Rags to Runway in 2023
SEWING enthusiasts wishing to show off their talents will have until Friday, March 3, 2023, to get their entry forms in for this year’s Burdekin Rags to Runway. Presentations are planned for Saturday, April 22, 2023, held at the Burdekin Netball Courts.
Dale says – Welcome to 2023!
I HOPE the festive season provided you and your family with the chance to spend some valuable time together. While the festive season may have brought joy to many … for many including myself, hearts were broken at the news of another life lost in an incident involving young offenders.
Dale says – Wet Season is upon us Again
THE wet season is well and truly underway and as a I write this; we are experiencing significant rainfall across the district.
Dale says – Here to help
IF YOU or someone you know has an issue that you need help with, please remember my job is to represent you.
Joe’s Project 50 years in the making
A PROJECT that commenced up to 50 years ago is being given a new lease of life as its instigator, cane farmer Joe Rigano works on resurrecting the monument to the sugar industry that he first considered when he was a charter member of the former Home Hill Apex Club.
Top Marks!
TOP marks to the new Emergency Action Guide printed by the Government and distributed by the Council.
A Bonus for Home Hill Primary School with its own Pool
WHILE a lot has been written recently about the lack of ability of young students in Australia to swim, the younger generation in Home Hill can be thankful for the planning of the town’s pioneers who built a swimming pool at Home Hill State School almost a century ago.
Let’s show Pride in our Hometown
A DISAPPOINTING habit is developing in Home Hill with a small minority of supermarket shoppers taking their groceries home from the supermarket in the trolleys and then leaving the empty shopping aid in and around the streets of our town.
Problem resolved Well
A small problem in regard to the outage of the electronic town clock and the Christmas Star at the Comfort Stop, plus lights was reported and repaired in a couple of days.
A Snippet of December 13 2022 Council Meeting Minutes
COUNCIL meeting minutes — December 13, 2022, council meeting 7.1.4. Adoption of Revised Fox and Wild Dog Bounty Policy.
Street Maintenance
A few areas of minor street maintenance needed in Home Hill.
Suggestion for a New Year Resolution…
HERE is a tremendous suggestion for a new year resolution—How about if we, the people of Home Hill, had a different councillor come over and address the Home Hill Chamber once a month.
Funding Query
TECHNICAL SERVICES—7.4.1. Burdekin Aquatic Centre Kiosk Construction and Entrance Works Contract Award—Just wondering, is this part of the Government funding for the water park or is it an add-on and if so, at what cost?
Welcome to a New Year
WELCOME to a new year in the Burdekin and a healthy one—because a happy one reflects a healthy one and as you get older, your health is everything. As I look back over the past year, I think ‘what have I achieved both on a personal and community basis?’