Welcome to the February 2023 edition of the Home Hill News.
You can read or download the whole newsletter (in pdf format) using the link above or read the individual articles below.
Newsletter 87 March 2023
The March 2023 Home Hill News is now available on the website.
What’s in the Future for the Home Hill Swimming Pool?
A Consultant’s report to a recent Council meeting, which recommended that the Home Hill Swimming Pool be halved in length drew a hasty, mostly negative response from the local community after appearing in the council agenda. However, Cr McLaughlin reassured locals that no councillors supported the recommendations.
Social Media Workshop for Small Businesses (SOLD OUT)
Are you a small business operator in the Burdekin district and overwhelmed with social media? If you are, then come along and join a free social media workshop to be facilitated by social media strategist, Kellie Stephenson. Held at the Burdekin Library on Friday, March 10 – 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm.
Memorial Kid’s Bash growing in Popularity
THE popularity of the ‘Justin Roy Kids Bash’ in memory of the late Justin Roy Scott, who tragically lost his life in flooding at Groper Creek has grown considerably, judging by the large crowd of children (& adults) who joined in a day of fun and games.
RSL Leadership Team elected
THE Home Hill Sub-Branch of the RSL concluded another year of activity at its recent 2023 Annual General Meeting, where all committee positions were filled as they moved into the year ahead. President Richard Kelly presented his annual report to the meeting and took the opportunity to thank his committee.
Get your Thinking Caps on for the 2023 Ephemera Display!
THE 2023 Home Hill Harvest Festival may be the best part of a year away but organisers of the annual Ephemera display in the Lloyd Mann Gardens are already encouraging the community to start thinking about prospective entries for the annual display.
Celebrations for 40 years of the Burdekin Theatre & the upcoming Burdekin Sweet Days, Hot Nights Festivities!
CELEBRATIONS were held in Ayr recently for the 40th anniversary of the Burdekin Theatre, and the upcoming Burdekin Sweet Days, Hot Nights Festivities.
Dale’s Parliament Update
AS I write this, the first sitting of Parliament for 2023 is about to take place and I am expecting debate on legislation around youth crime will be to the fore.
Dale says – Ensuring every Child can make the most of their School Day
IT IS great to see schools back in action and ready to go for another busy year of learning. Recently, I was able to catch up with the team from Fuel for Schools and present a donation of 75 pencil case packs for students in schools across the Burdekin Electorate.
Dale says – Flood resilience should be a must for NQ Roads
Recently we saw the RACQ release its 2022 Unroadworthy Roads Survey report and while it wouldn’t come as a surprise to many of us, the Bruce Highway sat comfortably in first place in the Top 10.
Popular Prawn Stop returns to Home Hill CBD
A POPULAR Prawn Shop that was previously situated adjacent to the Home Hill BP Service Station, has returned to the town—in the same area but in premises across the road.
Pianist returns Home for Dual Role
A YOUNG pianist, who grew up in the Burdekin District has returned for a dual purpose – to spend two weeks doing magical tricks on the synthesiser for the Shrek Musical; and display his skills on foot pedals as well as his hands on the keyboard and other buttons.
Applications Now Open for Community Fund Grants
APPLICATIONS are now open through the Haughton Solar Farm Community Fund for eligible community groups and not-for-profit organisations residing in Home Hill, Ayr, Brandon, Clare, Dalbeg, Giru and Millaroo to apply for project funding.
Chamber appoints New Secretary
A NEW secretary has been elected to the management committee of the Home Hill Chamber of Commerce, following the recent resignation of former secretary, Terry Cross.
Female Jockeys prominent in Home Hill Racing
WHILE wet weather may have dampened the enthusiasm of many of the regular patrons of the Burdekin Race Club for their February 18 meeting, the small crowd was still able to enjoy a competitive five-race program with close finishes in most of the events.
Racing Improvements continue
THE Burdekin Race Club is continuing to make improvements to its track and facilities as it leads into the 25-year celebrations for the Burdekin Growers Race Day on Saturday, May 20.
Prostate Cancer Luncheon
A PROSTATE Cancer Luncheon is being planned for the Burdekin district to “enhance much-needed funds towards Cancer Research, which can benefit each and every one of us”. The “Do It For Cancer” luncheon will be held at Coutts Commercial Hotel, Queen Street Ayr, on Saturday, April 1, at 11.30am.
Career start for 34 Wilmar Sugar Apprentices
SEVENTEEN new apprentices have started their working careers with Wilmar Sugar’s Burdekin Mills, as part of the 34 new apprentices who have started on the tools at the company’s Queensland mills and bioethanol distillery.
Artisans host visiting Mackay Caravaners
THE Burdekin Artisan Community Association Inc. hosted a group of visiting Mackay Caravan Club members as part of the Club’s visit to this district in February.
Orchid Society change
A SPECIAL general meeting was held as part of the February meeting of the Ayr and District Orchid and Allied Plant Society (ADOAPS ) for the purpose of changing the meeting time and date.
Maintenance underway
OUR February issue addressed the ongoing concerns about overgrown properties thanks to La Nina and a very wet, wet season, which also coincided with council gardeners being on annual holidays. However, plenty of maintenance is now underway.
Mr Rigano shines light on the Importance of volunteering
OUR report last month with regard to the project by local cane farmer, Joe Rigano to install a town map of Home Hill and the history behind the original attempts to install the map, has had a follow-up from Mr Rigano regarding his history with the Home Hill Apex Club.
Upgrades for our Town
THINGS are really looking up as the Home Hill BP servo is getting a major facelift as well as the old Commercial Hotel is getting a major upgrade for workers accommodation.
Comfort Stop Upgrades?
I DO not want to be pushy, but after six years, how about spending some money on the Comfort Stop mosaic water feature, which is in a terrible condition?
Ladies, your help is needed at the Home Hill Chamber!
THE Home Hill Chamber is looking for ladies to sit on the management committee for an hour and a half per month, bringing more female perspective to the chamber!
Excitement for the 2023 Harvest Festival Ephemera
GOOD news is that the 2023 Harvest Festival Ephemera is on again and the committee is working to make this a big year for larger installations—with your help, get into the act and produce something to be proud of!
Become a Member TODAY!
THE Home Hill RSL Sub-Branch has just held its annual general meeting, which was well attended with all positions filled easily. Should you want to join just as a member, please get in touch!
Stand up & Speak out
I believe it is our right and duty to voice and express our view on current issues concerning our town, the ratepayer and general public, as our opinions matter.
Thoughts on the Home Hill Swimming Pool
THE Burdekin Shire Council has made it clear that our current “Olympic” pool is going nowhere at the present time— but what of the future?