No 84 November 2022 – Home Hill News

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Welcome to the November 2022 edition of the Home Hill News.

You can read or download the whole newsletter (in pdf format) using the link above or read the individual articles below.

Home Hill Harvest Festival logo

Fun Features in Festival Finale

FOLLOWING a range of activities conducted since early in September, the 2022 Home Hill Harvest Festival counts down to its program of fun for the finale on Saturday, November 5, with the annual Grand Parade and following Mardi Gras Street Party bringing another successful Festival to an end.
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Countdown to Email Delivery of the Home Hill News

The Home Hill News will start coming into effect in the last issue in December, 2022. Anyone who has the facilities to receive a FREE emailed copy of The Home Hill News every month (except January), should register with the Home Hill Chamber of Commerce website now!
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Home Hill Harvest Festival logo

Another Festival draws to a Close

A SERIES of events included in the 2022 Home Hill Harvest Festival Program have been successfully completed as the Sixtieth festival winds down towards the finale of major events in the first week of November. Here’s an insight into the events…
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Home Hill War Memorial

Home Hill remembers end of World War I

HOME HILL will once again commemorate Remembrance Day on Friday, November 11 with the Home Hill Sub-Branch of the RSL hosting a service in front of the Honour Rolls at the Burdekin Memorial Hall, commencing at 10.50am.
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Lloyd Mann Park Gateway to Home Hill

The Gate Way to Home Hill

A NEW installation, entitled “The Gate Way to Home Hill”, is well under way to being finished in Lloyd Mann Gardens with the aim of being dedicated to the past and present. Make sure to get your photos in to Uli in the next week so you don’t miss out!
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Home Hill Derby Day 2022 Presentation

Successful Derby Day

DERBY Day has again proven to be the Burdekin Race Club’s second biggest event of the year with a huge crowd in attendance for the six-race program and a fashions bonanza.
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Ammoudi Bay ridden by Scott Sheargold wins the Battle of the Bush Qualifying Open from Mishani Rebel (Wanderson D’Avila) with Night Attire (Amanda Thomson) in third place.

More Home Hill Races

THE Burdekin Race Club has added two more meetings to its racing calendar for 2022, with meetings to be held on dates not taken up by other country race clubs – Saturday, November 12th & Saturday, December 3rd.
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Home Hill News and Coffee Inside

Full Marks for Home Hill News & Coffee!

FULL marks to the new owners of Home Hill News & Coffee, Ken and Shay Linton, for their positive thinking in finding a way to help both themselves and the need for more services in the town at the same time.
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Home Hill Community Christmas Carols 2022

Annual Community Christmas Carols

BURDEKIN Shire Christmas celebrations will come to Home Hill again this year, as the annual Community Christmas Carols will be conducted at the Home Hill High School grounds on Sunday, December 11. Also, my thoughts on recent community events.
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Home Hill Christmas Lights 2021

Time to Deck the Halls

IT IS that time of the year when we should be starting to think about how the town will look over the Christmas period.
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Australia Day Awards

Nominate Now for 2023 Aussie Day Awards

RESIDENTS of the Home Hill community have until Wednesday, December 7 to nominate their fellow residents, organisations and events for the 2023 Australia Day Awards. “I want to encourage you to get in early and nominate them now for all categories of the 2023 Australia Day Awards.” Cr McLaughlin.
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Home Hill News and Coffee Outside

Strong Support for New Coffee Service

AS the new owner/operators of the Home Hill News & Coffee in Eighth Avenue, Ken and Shay Linton, take over from Shay’s retiring parents, Graham and Delphine Baker, they have been overwhelmed with the support they have received from the community for all sections of the upgraded business.
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Historic Machinery on Display

THE Burdekin Machinery Preservationists (BMP) will be hosting their annual Open day at their Spiller Street, Brandon home on Sunday, November 6, with a number of Home Hill based members being on site to help demonstrate the large number of historic machinery items on display.
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Groper Creek Caravan Park Manager Dan Garvey inspecting Rocking Mosquito Ck Nov 2022

Groper Creek Stabilisation Works Underway

STABILISATION works at Mosquito Creek were held up in October and are now scheduled to take place early this month. Members of the public have been reminded to please keep clear of the area whilst the works are underway.
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Dale Last MP Member for Burdekin

Dale’s Parliament Update

AFTER six weeks, the Parliament Sittings resumed in October, extending by one day to make up for the postponed sitting at the end of September and there was certainly plenty to prosecute.
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Cane Loco had No Chance

Fresh Warning after Spike in Cane Train Incidents

DESPITE regular reminders in Wilmar’s weekly Burdekin Production Report of the dangers with cane trains, Australia’s largest sugar manufacturer has issued fresh warnings about the need for vigilance around its cane rail network following a spike in collisions and near-hits with cane trains.
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Wilmar increases Crop Estimate

WILMAR Sugar has increased their total crop estimate for its North Queensland Sugar Mills in its latest group-wide crushing update. Find out more here…
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Let’s show Respect

I am very disappointed in the person or persons who removed the Indigenous flag from the Ephemera display in Lloyd Mann Gardens for the Harvest Festival
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Home Hill War Memorial

Remembrance Day

AS WE are edging towards the end of this year, the Home Hill RSL will be holding Remembrance Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, on November 11 in front of the Memorial Hall, commencing at 11am.
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RSL Queensland Logo

Blokes Get-Together

We are holding a “Blokes get-together” every first Wednesday of the month at 10am at the Crown Hotel, Home Hill– and you are more than welcome. Come and have a talk about anything, focusing on fellowship and camaraderie, stay for ten minutes or an hour, whatever suits you!
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Requests to expand Home Hill News?

I HAVE had many requests with regard to the “Home Hill News” to include the rest of the Burdekin Shire. Great idea, but I just want to point out this is a limited volunteer effort, with the continuous help of Wilmar.
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