PREDICTIONS of severe Summer drenchings by the Bureau of Meteorology has Queensland on La Nina watch and NOW is the time to get prepared.
Assess your flood risk, develop your flood plan and make safe and sensible decisions.
Now is also the time to check and update your cyclone and evacuation kits, stock your pantry and give your generator a run.
If you are new to the area, it is also important to talk to your neighbours and familiarise yourself with potential risks.
It’s also the time to clean up around your homes and dump items appropriately. Those driving into the Groper Creek Reserve may have noticed the new “no dumping” signs to hopefully prevent illegal dumping.
Our Council dumps are accepting all domestic waste, including non-degassed fridges and freezers free of charge – so there is simply no excuse for illegal dumping and heavy penalties apply.
The Groper Creek Rural Fire Brigade recently conducted a hazard reduction burn of accumulated garden waste to reduce fuel loads in the event of bush fire.