Recently we saw the RACQ release its 2022 Unroadworthy Roads Survey report and while it wouldn’t come as a surprise to many of us, the Bruce Highway sat comfortably in first place in the Top 10.
While there were issues highlighted right along the Bruce Highway, concerns around the stretch of road from the intersection of Cape Cleveland Road to the intersection of Zinc Road and, of course, issues around Bowen were raised in the report.
Recently, during significant wet weather in the Bowen area, we witnessed roadworks on the Bruce Highway again go under water, blocking the highway and causing massive delays to motorists.
Despite a $22million price tag, the road was only ever going to be widened which, as we have seen, is far short of what is needed and that is why I have called on the state government to make the most of a bad situation and commit to re-evaluating the works to include flood resilience.