THE Home Hill Chamber of Commerce will host a morning of Cowboys’ give-aways at the Home Hill Comfort Stop on Saturday, May 6, at which the focus will be on young supporters of the North Queensland Cowboys, who will benefit from the handing out of a quantity of donated supporters gear that the Cowboys Club has donated to the Chamber.
The Cowboys gear was provided after Chamber President, David Jackson contacted the North Queensland Cowboys to query why Home Hill was not included in a promotion in which residents of 24 towns across the north, many of them smaller than Home Hill, could win an opportunity to participate in events at the opening game of the season.
It was not the first time that Home Hill was ignored in Cowboys promotions, including when they won the Premiership in 2015 when the Premiership trophy was taken to most towns in the north – but not Home Hill.
The Cowboys were positive in their response, saying they understood how “it would be disappointing having Home Hill miss out on being involved in the activity”.
Their promotional team explained that, “due to resources, the towns selected to be included were largely based on places where our staff were travelling to within the timeframe, which is why Ayr was included”.
The Cowboys said “Home Hill is important to us, however and we regularly visit throughout the year to do school visits at both schools in the town”.
Subsequently, Mr Jackson was surprised to receive a large package containing Cowboys promotional material to be given away to the youth of the town who were missing out on opportunities extended to other towns in the north.
That material includes two different types of Cowboys carry-bags, Cowboys caps, lanyards and frisbees, as well as a signed football, which will be raffled that day to find a winner.
As a result, the Chamber has planned to host the give-away morning at the town’s Comfort Stop on Saturday, May 6 from 8am through to 12 noon, during which the Cowboys material will be given away from about 10am.
Local residents who would like to set up a stall at the Comfort Stop for the morning to sell products of their own making from 8am onwards can do so at a cost of $10 per stall.
Participating stall operators should provide their own tables and tents if required.
Anyone wishing to participate should contact David Jackson (ddjacko@bigpond.com or phone 0417 731 089) or Chamber secretary, Robert Antoniazzi (secretary@homehillchamber.com.au) to register by Friday, May 6.