WHILE thousands of racing and fashion fans flocked to the Home Hill Racetrack on Saturday, May 20, 2023, for the running of the Burdekin Cup (previously known as the Home Hill Cup), this year’s patrons were given the opportunity to link with a former Home Hill Cup winner on the same track from 80 years ago as the members of the Foote Family displayed a trophy won through the efforts of a long-standing member of the Home Hill Club, John (Jock) Foote.
Jock Foote, who now has the on-ground stables named after him at the track, was the trainer of Grand Poplar, that was raced in Home Hill by Mick Carr and John Carr, when it won the Home Hill Cup during the war years of 1943.
The horse was ridden by another well-known local resident and “great” amateur jockey, Roddy McDonald, while trainer Jock Foote was also a former jockey of the era.
The Cup was brought back to Home Hill by former Home Hill resident, Bill Foote, who moved to Perth many years ago and ended up with the trophy after his father passed away.
Bill had returned to Home Hill for the funeral of his sister-in-law, Lyn Foote, the wife of another member of the Foote Family, Jim, who now lives in Townsville.
With the family back together, Bill resurrected the Cup for all to see at a time when all the talk was aimed at the running of the now “Burdekin” Cup 80 years on.
Bill Foote said he did not believe the Home Hill Cup was run for a couple of years after Grand Poplar’s win.
Despite the sadness of his trip, Bill was able to join in a couple of celebrations during his two-month stay before returning to Perth, joining in the recognition of his brother, Hubert’s eightieth birthday and the Fiftieth wedding anniversary for his sister, Delphine and Graham Baker.