Wilmar Sugar owns and operates 74 locomotives across its milling regions.
* The fleet comprises three different sized locos – large 40-tonne locos, mid-sized 24- to 26 tonne locos and smaller 18-tonne side-rod locos.
* Wilmar started a major over-haul program in 2016, rebuilding its large, 40-tonne locos from the chassis up.
* The upgraded 40-tonne locos have a new Mercedes Benz engine, Allison transmission and purpose-built Renk-Maag reversing box – a combination that delivers fuel reductions of around 30%.
* So far, 20 of the 40-tonne locos and four of the mid-sized Baldwin locos have been rebuilt.
* The new Wilmar 26 tonne loco will replace the aging Baldwin locomotives.