Home Hill News

Juvenile crime strikes same victim twice in Home Hill

THERE is no secret throughout the State of Queensland about the amount of juvenile crime occurring in towns and cities everywhere and what seems to be a lack of action by government to bring the perpetrators under control—while the victims just seem to be forgotten.

We reported recently on the woes of local volunteer, Doug Chappell and his family who had a ute stolen, along with the four-wheeler that was on the back of the vehicle.

Readers would not believe that Doug has been targeted again recently—only this time, they were caught in the act and family members went out looking.

The official line is that it should be left to the police to act, but it would be a bit hard for victims not to do something, when criminals turn up for a second go, especially when governments seem to put more emphasis on helping the criminal rather than the victim.

The Family’s woes should serve as a warning to everyone in our town to ensure they are security conscious with their possessions.