Alix Leckenby
ALIX LECKENBY is 23 years old and graduated from Ayr State High School in 2016.
She has since returned as a HPE and Business teacher, while also taking on the role as Sports Coordinator.
Alix has entered the Harvest Festival because she sees the value in community groups working together raising money for charity and to step outside her comfort zone and build new skills.
She is excited to be representing the Burdekin Netball Association, where she has been a member and player for over 15 years.
Alix would also love to give something back to the club that has invested so much time into her netball journey.
Her main hobbies include netball, coaching, fishing and any type of fitness activities.
Throughout this experience, Alix hopes to work on her self-confidence, while also having fun and building positive relationships with others throughout the community.
She is looking forward to sharing this opportunity with the other Harvest Festival Queens.
Aiyana Robinson
AIYANA ROBINSON is representing Get Fit Home Hill for the 2022 Harvest Festival. She is 19
years of age and has been living in the Burdekin for 10 years now.
She loves the spirit of the town and loves to engage wherever she can. This is why she has decided to be a Harvest Festival Queen entrant.
Aiyana graduated from Home Hill State High School in 2020 and is now working in childcare and studying a Bachelor of Paramedic Science at CQ University.
When she is not working or studying, she is adventuring or spending time with friends and family.
She is honoured to be representing Get Fit Home Hill and is looking forward to meeting new friends and attending all the Harvest Festival events.
Holly Da Corte
HOLLY DA CORTE has lived in the Burdekin her entire life. She is 19 years old and in 2020 graduated from Ayr State High School.
Holly currently works at Regis Aged Care where she fulfils the role of an Assistant Nurse.
She was asked by the Lions Club to be their Harvest Festival Queen entrant.
Throughout the next few months, Holly hopes to build life-long relationships with the other Queen entrants.
She is glad to have the opportunity to be out and about in the community participating in so many exciting events.
Holly Alford
HOLLY ALFORD has grown up in the Home Hill community since she was around three years old.
She is 18 years of age and graduated from Burdekin Catholic High School in 2021.
Holly has been working at Northern Insurance Solutions since March and is currently learning about insurance.
She coaches an Under-sevens soccer team and likes to go camping and adventuring to find waterfalls.
Holly has chosen to be the Harvest Festival Queen entrant for the Crown Hotel.
Throughout this journey, she hopes to achieve life-long friendships, build confidence in herself, and participate in all the Harvest Festival events.
Aimee Gibson
AIMEE GIBSON is 21 years of age and is representing the Home Hill Rotary Club.
She graduated from Home Hill State High School and works full-time at Julie’s Pharmacy and
as a casual night-filler at Woolworths.
Aimee took on this amazing once-in-a lifetime opportunity to make life-long friends and memories and to be part of something incredible.
She likes catching up with family and friends, going on adventures and seeing new places. Aimee also likes spending time at Cape Upstart as well as fishing and cooking.
She hopes to raise as much money as possible to donate to a local charity.
Stacey Dorman
STACEY DORMAN is 24 years old and originates from Young, NSW, where her family is involved in trucking and farming.
After graduating from Young High School, she studied a Bachelor of Agriculture at University of New England before becoming an Agronomist. Stacey moved to the Burdekin in 2021 to join the team at AGnVET Rural.
She was delighted to find that she could participate in her favourite past time – tennis!
Being a member of the Home Hill Tennis Association has been a great way to build new friendships and get to know the Burdekin community.
When Stacey is not swinging a racquet, she enjoys the outdoors and spending time with family and friends.
She joined the Harvest Festival as an ambassador for the Home Hill Tennis Association. Stacey sees this opportunity as a great way to build her skills in presenting and speaking to a much bigger audience.
Throughout the Harvest Festival Queen experience, Stacey aims to raise the profile of tennis in the Burdekin through friendship, community involvement and fun!