Home Hill News

Rally for a Cure showing Major Support among the Community

Kate Casswell with Townsville Hospital Cancer Ward supporters, JJ Jarrod (left) and Dr Michael Collins.

THE members of the Home Hill Tennis Association have again shown that when a major fundraising event is held in our town, the community comes out in force to support it, including many visitors from other areas to add to the numbers. The Rally for a Cure displayed the abundance of support from our community.

The Rally for a Cure attracted many teams of varying numbers who put in twelve hours of playing their favourite sport to raise funds to find a cure for brain cancer. 

We don’t usually have the space in our pages to use too many photos on the one subject but on this occasion, our readers will notice three similar pictures (including the one adjacent) depicting Kate Casswell and medical supporters. 

The event came about with the sad loss of Kate’s husband, Col, who had succumbed to the disease after playing an important part in the Burdekin community, which was recognised with the presentation of a Burdekin Shire Australia Day award prior to his death. 

Congratulations go to Kate and her team for their efforts in raising over $22,000 (with more coming in) towards finding a cure for the terrible disease that is taking far too many lives around our nation.