HOME HILL will once again commemorate Remembrance Day on Friday, November 11 with the Home Hill Sub-Branch of the RSL hosting a service in front of the Honour Rolls at the Burdekin Memorial Hall, commencing at 10.50am.
The community has always been well represented at the town’s service, along with returned servicemen and women and that support is again expected at the 2022 service, which coincides with the end of hostilities in the First World War on November 11, 1918.
The service will consist of addresses by the RSL Sub-Branch President, Richard Kelly and a Padre before a wreath-laying ceremony by the RSL and representatives of various organisations present at the ceremony.
A bugler will play the Last Post followed by a minute’s silence and the sounding of Reveille and the reciting of “The Ode” to conclude the ceremony.The Home Hill RSL Sub-Branch will again provide smoko after the service, with the Home Hill Bakery supporting the RSL by providing food for the participants.