The Memorial Park looks a picture neat and tidy, with the removal of three large old trees and some low hanging branches.
All we now need is the concrete path through the park for the ANZAC Day Parade, and I’m led to believe that Council is working on this project.
The Home Hill RSL Subbranch is on its way to placing four Banner poles in Memorial Park either side of the new purposed pathway.
This was made possible with support letters from our local MP’s Andrew Willcox, Dale Last and North Queensland RSL office.
The banners will add to the overall ambiance of the park by marking the entrance to the park.
The next big decision will entail deciding the appropriate decals for the banners in keeping with the overall ANZAC theme.
The Home Hill RSL Subbranch had its annual Dinner at the Crown Hotel which was well-attended and which I would recommend its restaurant as a great venue with great food.