APPLICATIONS are now open through the Haughton Solar Farm Community Fund for eligible community groups and not-for-profit organisations residing in Home Hill, Ayr, Brandon, Clare, Dalbeg, Giru and Millaroo to apply for project funding.
Pacific Hydro, a 100 per cent Renewable energy provider, is giving back to the community through the fund, with community groups in the region encouraged to apply for funding grants of up to $10,000 each from a pool of $80,000.
Applications should be submitted between March 1 and 31, 2023, as The Haughton Fund aims to support projects that provide lasting benefits to local communities in at least one of six funding areas – education and training, health and welfare, sport and recreation, arts and culture, environment and projects that support the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The Haughton Solar Farm Community Fund provides long lasting social, economic and environmental value that goes beyond the life of the solar farm.
Pacific Hydro is also seeking nominations from community members interested in being part of the Haughton Solar Farm Community Fund Allocation Panel for 2023.
Expressions of Interest will be open through March and April, 2023.
Anyone interested in applying to the fund or being a part of the Fund Allocation Panel should go to the Haughton Solar Farm Community fund page at for more information.