Week 19
The Burdekin mills processed just over 355,000 tonnes of cane this week.
Kalamia and Pioneer mills both exceeded budget.
Inkerman and Invicta mills came in under budget due to cleaning intermissions and unplanned stops.
Following an estimate review, the forecast crop has been revised down by 100,000 tonnes to 8.1M tonnes
The season-to-date total for the Burdekin mills is now slightly more than 5.86M tonnes — about 72per cent of the total forecast crop.
The highest CCS sample of 18.2 was from a rake of Q240-4R harvested in the Shirbourne Productivity Area.
Week 20
The Burdekin mills processed just over 330,000 tonnes of cane this week.
While Inkerman Mill was well above budget, Invicta was below. There were extended stops due to problems at the feeding station and bagasse system chokes following a blackout later in the week.
The season-to-date total for the Burdekin mills is now 6.19M tonnes, which represents more than three-quarters of the total forecast crop.
The highest CCS sample of 18.3 was from a rake of Q208-2R harvested in the Shirbourne Productivity Area.
Week 21
The Burdekin mills processed just over 320,000 tonnes of cane this week.
Pioneer Mill exceeded budget for the week. Inkerman, Kalamia and Invicta mills came in under budget due to cleaning intermissions and unplanned stops.
The season-to-date total for the Burdekin mills is now 6.52M tonnes, which represents about 80 per cent of the total fore-cast crop.
The average weekly CCS continues to climb with the dry conditions and is tracking above budget.
The highest CCS sample of 18.3 was from a rake of Q208-2R harvested in the Shirbourne Productivity Area.
Please remember to use your train brain and always give way to cane trains. A fully loaded cane train can take up to one kilometre to stop.